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Does being normal mean thinking the same as everyone else? Does being normal mean behaving the same as everyone else? Does it mean being the same as everyone else? These might seem like obvious questions, but they are in fact, very far from the norm. When a child stands out...

AW2021 - FEEL

Children experience the same range of emotions as adults, and it is important that they learn the role that each of them fulfills, so that they do not feel overwhelmed and are able to handle them correctly. First, good emotional education includes teaching that there are no “good” or “bad”...


It's really important to teach us little ones about caring for the enviroment, the importance of recycling, caring for nature, love for all living things and natural resources. If we start learning this things when we are young they will become part of our daily lives and little by little...


Mascaretas higiéniques + FORRO de teixit certificat  Teixit d'exterior 100% cotó Teixit interior certificat Normativa UNE-0065: · Cotó Orgànic 100% · Antibacterià  · Transpirable · Repelent a l'aigua · Planxar després de cada rentada per mantenir les propietats hidrófugas y antibacterianes. Pinça nasal per ajustar la mascareta Teixit d'exterior:100% cotó ADULT...


Kenya, is part of a great diversity of ethnic groups form the identity of the african continent, who struggle to keep intact their roots. Their typical costumes comprise geometric designs and bright colors, to which they give different meanings: red is the symbol of courage and strength; blue symbolizes heaven and water;...